Friday, April 29, 2011

Analysis: America's Action

As an American Citizen, I am disappointed in America's actions to the genocide. We, the United States of America, had knowledge before the genocide even begun, and during the mass killings, of the genocide, but still refused to take part in it. We could have easily saved millions of millions of lives but not even letting it begin, but did we? No. We sat back and watched it happen right before eyes, and refused to even admit to the public what was truly happening. If anything I can say I am embarrassed that our government, who we hold so much pride in, would be so cruel.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you completely. What the United States had lacked to do was more than disappointing. We as the United States had more than one opportunities to not only assist the people of Rwanda, but to actually put an end to all the slaughter and chaos. Thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands could have been saved if we sent even 5,000 troops over. But we did nothing, and let down thousands of families, men, women, and children.
